Two new Reports


Following on from our Community-wide survey in the Autumn, two reports are now available outlining the results of that survey.  The first focuses on the results relating to the High Street Regeneration project, the second on those relating to the Community Spaces project.


CommunitySurveyResults_Comm Spaces_Jan2016

Both projects are still ongoing, and the results outlined in these reports will be used to inform future decisions on how to carry these projects forward.

For the High Street Regeneration Project, we will shortly be inviting interested volunteers to attend a Workshop.  Our report shows the top priority for respondents is to “Encourage use of empty buildings” – so this will be top of our list for discussion.

Meanwhile on the Community Space project, it is currently the turn of the existing user groups to give feedback and ideas.

As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Volunteer with the new “Friends of Macara Park”


If, like us, your New Year’s Resolution is to get more fresh air and exercise, why not volunteer with the new Friends of Macara Park group?

We’re still busy completing fund applications for the improvements to the play area on Macara Park.  While this is ongoing, we are setting up a new group to help us decide and carry forward some longer term plans for the park.  We aim to keep the “Friends” light and informal, with plenty of family-friendly activities and work parties to make the most of the wonderful space on offer in the heart of Moniaive.  You can read more about our proposals for the Friends group here:

The Friends of Macara Park – Outline Document

If you would like to get involved, please contact Deborah or Olwen on 0793-6701006 (mob), drop us a line at email:, or contact us through our Facebook page.

We look forward to hearing from you!