Timber Waggon Consultation


Moniaive Initiative have been in discussion with Moniaive Primary School and the School Parent Council regarding the issue of timber waggons passing through the village during school entrance and exit times. Given the narrow roads and lack of pavements for pedestrians, there are serious concerns over safety of families during these times.

Timber waggons transit the village via Chapel Street (A702) – High Street (C116) – Ayr Street (B729), which is a ‘Consultation Route’ (ie, one that is recognised as key to timber extraction, but is not up to ‘Agreed Route’ standard). The only restrictions on this route currently are weight restrictions.

Moniaive Initiative would like to negotiate TIME RESTRICTIONS for this route, excluding timber waggons from passing through the village between 8.50-9.20am and 3.00-3.30pm.   It has been suggested that these vehicles will need to pass through the village slightly earlier / later than they currently do, to compensate for this. We therefore need the support of local residents to be able to negotiate this change.

A paper copy of our Questionnaire will be provided to homes within Moniaive on the timber consultation route, and further copies will be available in Watsons Shop; these can be returned to the MI Comments Box located in Watsons Shop.

An ONLINE survey is also available here (limited to one response per household):


The survey will be open from 1 June to 31 July 2018.
