Community Spaces Project: Needs Survey


Work is continuing on our Community Spaces project. Following further discussions with our main potential funders, we have revised and updated our Options Appraisal and Business Plans, in readiness for a Stage II Application to Scottish Land Fund towards the purchase of a building, and for Development Funding from Big Lottery towards the renovation and refurbishment of that building to create our Community Charity Shop and Hub.

We are currently carrying out an updated ‘Needs Survey’ to help us in this process.   If you, your business or local club / organisation currently use local meeting, office or retail space, or might require them in the foreseeable future, we would like to hear from you. The survey should take 10 minutes or less to complete, and your details will remain anonymous.   You can reach the survey through the link  below:

Or you can print off a paper copy (which can be returned via the MONIAIVE INITIATIVE BOX in Watson’s Grocers) here:

3_Needs Survey_Paper Copy

Please remember, this survey will help us to shape new community spaces to supplement, not replace, existing spaces in Moniaive.
